
From a mountaineering trip in 2012:

Ködnitztal I

Fuji GW670III, Provia 400X (scan from slide).

Ködnitztal II

Fuji GW670III, Provia 400X (scan from slide).

Ködnitztal III

Fuji GW670III, Provia 400X (scan from slide).


The complete “Front” series

Finally…but may be continued!


Linhof Technikardan S45, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, FP4+ (scan from negative).

Front II

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (XTOL 1:1 11.5min, scan from negative).

Front III

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (scan from negative). Unfortunately, the negative holder doesn´t allow a full-frame scan, so the pipe on the left is slightly cut off. This is one of my first self-developed negatives – I finally made the step. Still having minor issues with bubbles (causing slightly uneven development on the borders) and don´t do any N-/N+ development yet, but I love it already. XTOL 1+1 11:30min @20°C (agitating for the first 30s, then 5s every 30 seconds using Jobo 2520 with 2509n, 4 sheets), citric acid stop bath, Moersch ATS Schnellfixierbad alkalisch 1+4 for 6 minutes.

Front IV

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (XTOL 1:1 11.5min, scan from negative).

Front V

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (XTOL 1:1 11.5min, scan from negative).



From a trip with Jörg Bergs, Willi Morali and Wolfgang Moersch.

Roots & Rocks

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Nikkor-M 300mm f/9.0, T-Max 100 (scan from negative).


Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (scan from negative).

Compound Fracture

Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (scan from negative).


Linhof Master Technika 3000, Nikkor-M 300mm f/9.0, T-Max 100 (scan from negative).

Birch at dawn

One shot from a trip with Jörg Bergs, Willi Morali and Wolfgang Moersch:


Linhof Master Technika 3000, Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Symmar 5,6/150, T-Max 100 (scan from negative).